
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Thuja Cream (25g)

Original price was: ₹66.96.Current price is: ₹62.50.


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Also known as

Topi thuja, thuj


37 (gms)
13.5 (cm) x 2.4 (cm) x 3.5 (cm)

About Topi Thuja Cream

Effectively helps to treat warts

  • Excrescences (Abnormal outgrowths)
  • Condylomata (Viral warts including genital warts)

Warts are small, self-limited tumors caused by one of over 100 types of human papilloma viruses . Warts are raised bumps on your skin. Warts are usually painless. But a wart that grows in a spot where you put pressure, such as on a finger or on the bottom of the foot, can be painful. A wart is a skin growth.  Tiny blood vessels grow into the core of the wart to supply it with blood.


Topi Thuja contains 10% of Thuja occidentalis tincture.

Thuja occidenatlis–  Useful in Moist mucous tubercles. Bleeding fungal growths. Formation of wart upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces-fig-warts  Has a specific antibacterial action.  Variola, aborts the pustule. Freckles and blotches. Dry skin, with brown spots. Eruptions only on covered parts; worse after scratching. Very sensitive to touch. Brown spots on hands and arms.

Direction of use

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Topi® Thuja should be applied as follows:

  • The cream should be used 2 – 3 times daily by applying a thin layer on the affected skin areas with gentle rubbing. It can be used simultaneously with oral medicines.

Side effects: No known side effects.

Contra-indications: The cream should not be used for patients with known hypersensitivity to Thuja occidentalis.

Interactions: No interactions between Topi® Thuja and other products are known.

Terms and Conditions

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.