
Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum 200 CH (11ml)

Original price was: ₹142.86.Current price is: ₹129.46.

For Constipation,Cough, Ear pain, Sciatica, liver, heel ulcers


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Also known as

Amm Mur, ammonium mur, ammon mur


200 CH
40 (gms)
2.3 (cm) x 2.3 (cm) x 7.4 (cm)

Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum

About Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum

The Common names for Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum are Sal ammoniac, Ammonium chloride.

Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum is a remedy that is prepared from ammonium chloride. This solution is versatile because it is useful in the treatment of many diseases. It is useful in ailments like asthma, fever, voice hoarseness, etc. It helps in reducing respiratory ailments like dry cough, the rattling of mucus and burning sensation in the throat.

Ingredients of Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum

  • Ammonium Muriaticum

Benefits of Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum

  • Provides relief from fever and asthma
  • Helps in voice hoarseness and cough
  • Helps in reducing weakness
  • Provides relief from the feeling of crying during sadness
  • Helps in reducing dandruff and itching in head
  • Relieves burning sensation in the chest, allergic and cold rhinitis and mucus cough
  • Helps in reducing itch and swelling in the rectum
  • Menses are regularized in women with the reduction in blood clotting and cramping
  • Loose motions and white discharges are reduced during menses

Dosage and rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum

  • Take 5 drops in half a cup of water three times a day.
  • You can also medicate the globules and take them 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
  • We recommend you take it under the physician’s guidance.

Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum

  • Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homoeopathic practitioner before use.
  • Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol

Actions of Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum on the following:


  • Great anguish, and the melancholy state as from vexation or cares, with inclination to shed tears.
  • Full of grief, but can’t weep. Morose, apathetic humor, with repugnance to conversation.
  • Irritability and disposition to be angry. Antipathy to certain persons.


  • Dizziness and vertigo (flushed face and enlarged veins), which mostly disappear in the open air.
  • Itching in the scalp, which forces to scratch constantly.
  • The hair falls out, often with dandruff.


  • Burning in the eyes, and in the corners of the eyes, in the evening, in the twilight, or in the morning, with photophobia.
  • Yellow spots before the eyes on looking steadfastly at any object, while sewing.


  • Shooting in the ears from the inside outwards, especially in the open air. Drawing and piercing sensation in the ears.
  • Tingling and buzzing before the ears.


  • Swelling of the nose, and painful sensibility to the touch, with the pain of ulceration and bloody crusts in the nostrils.
  • Sneezing, with shooting in the nape of the neck. Coryza, with stoppage of the nose (and tenderness of the nose) and loss of smell.


  • Eruption in the face. Ulcerations in the corners of the mouth, and in the upper lip.
  • Lips dry, wrinkled, chapped and excoriated with burning heat, with blotches of the skin, peeling off, the face burns with an eruption which requires cold applications for relief.
  • Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with throbbing pain.


  • Acute sensation of tearing in the teeth. Swelling of the gums, with shooting pain.


  • Burning blisters on the point of the tongue. Shooting pain in the throat on swallowing.


  • Bitter taste in the mouth, chiefly in the morning, with bitter eructations and anxiety. Absence of hunger and of appetite.
  • Much thirst, chiefly in the evening.


  • Eructations, mostly bitter or imperfect. Regurgitation of what has been taken, or of a bitter and acid water.
  • Frequent violent hiccough, often with shootings in the chest. Drawing or gnawing pains in the stomach, as if from worms.
  • Abdomen
  • Inflation of the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen.

Stool and Anus

  • Constipation, Hard stools, or frequent and soft. Diarrhoea with pain, as if caused by excoriation, or by a bruise in the belly.
  • Loose, slimy, greenish stools. Discharge of blood with the stool. During stool, stitches in anus.

Urinary Organs

  • Evacuation of urine increased, principally in the night. Reddish, clear urine, without sediment.
  • Frequent urination, especially towards morning.

Male Sexual Organs

  • Shooting and throbbings in the spermatic cord.

Female Sexual Organs

  • Menses too early and too copious, with pain in the abdomen, loins, and pains, compressive or drawing, in the back, continuing during the night when the menstrual discharge is more profuse.
  • During the menses, vomiting and diarrhoea, drawing in the feet, or discharge of blood on going to stool.

Respiratory Organs

  • Hoarseness, with the sensation of burning in the larynx. Violent cough, chiefly in the evening and at night, when lying on the back.
  • Dry cough in the morning (with the tickling of the throat), with expectoration of whitish and thick matter.
  • The cough is aggravated after a meal, as well as after a cold drink, and when lying with the head low.
  • Cough on breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side.


  • Weight and oppression of the chest, with the difficulty of breathing, chiefly in the open air, or at night.
  • Eruption and red spots, burning and itching on the chest.

Neck and Back

  • Stiffness of the neck, with pain on moving it, from the nape of the neck to the shoulders.
  • Pain in small of the back as if beaten and shattered. Pain in coccyx, when sitting, worse when sleeping.
  • Shootings in the shoulder-blades, especially on breathing.

Upper Limbs

  • Heavy and stiff, as if paralysed. Tearing in the bone of the left upper arm, and afterwards in the right thigh from above downwards.
  • Pain, as from dislocation, in the wrist.

Lower Limbs

  • Shootings, the pain of dislocation (left hip is painful, as if the tendons were too short, causing limping), and pulling in the hip. When sitting, gnawing pain in the bone.
  • The pain of ulceration and pulling in the heels.
  • The feet get very cold in the evening in bed.


  • Miliary eruption. Vesicular eruptions from scurf, Exfoliation of the skin in several places.


  • Sleeplessness after midnight, from cutting pain in the abdomen, or from sneezing, pain in the small back.


  • Cold shivering, most frequently in the evening, about six o’clock, without thirst. All stages of fever without thirst.
  • Nocturnal sweat, after midnight. Sweat increased with every motion.


  • Pains, as from ulceration in different parts of the body. Tension in the joints, as by contraction of the tendons.
  • The right side of the body appears to be more affected than the left
  • Paralytic weakness and fatigue, chiefly of the lower extremities, sometimes with giddiness, or with tension and dragging of the legs.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.